Balancing AI Ethics and Creativity
The media’s hype surrounding AI may be slowing, but as AI increasingly influences creative processes, industries such as Fashion must grapple with critical questions around the evolving collaboration between humans and AI.
The nexus between technology and creativity presents opportunities for innovation and artistic expression, while also raising important discussions around the legal and ethical implications of AI's growing role in new concepts, products and art.
The Human x AI Creativity Revolution
TOMORROW volume 29 for Spur is the 2nd instalment of our 3-part series exploring the Future of AI x Human Creativity and how this will impact the future of the Fashion Industry, showcasing the pioneers leading how we should author a preferable future.
Living in a Next Gen Material World
My column TOMORROW for Spur came out in Japanese newsstands. Spur is one of the leading fashion magazines in Japan and this month we focused on the Bio-Industrial Revolution, ushered by Next Gen Materials visionaries.