Provoking paradigm shifts through strategic dialogue
Watch my keynote at the Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum
I galvanise audiences and awaken the futurist inside of them at conferences, corporate events, on TV, radio broadcasts for organisations ranging from SXSW to the United Nations, the BBC to Nike. My partners seek my insights as fertilisers to jumpstart their vision of the future. Authoring our 21st century legacy requires bold thinking. Understanding cultural shifts and taking action towards preferred futures has never been so critical.
The future context is always more altered than we anticipate. I help organizations harness wild cards and emerging shifts at the intersection where fashion, humanity and planetary systems converge. My mission is to create impact through anti-disciplinary future foresight and a systems change approach that architects new exchange values and cultural frameworks.
Keynotes that expose current industry and forecasting limitations and inspire through transformational and emergent insights
Panel moderation that pushes conversations beyond surface-level commentary
Interactive formats that challenge audiences to reimagine possible futures
WOW, thank you for last night - it was a rocket ship to the moon! I've wanted to come to one of your talks for ages. I'm so glad I finally got there.
Very inspiring. Especially the psychological aspects to the macro trends, to help understand the trends.
It was one of the most interesting talks I've been to, and I couldn't sleep last night for all the thoughts and ideas going around in my head! I really loved how rounded and honest the conversation was. I came away even more excited about forecasting than before.
SXSW Austin
Daily blast live (television)
United Nations Conscious Fashion & Lifestyle Network
Source Fashion
BBC Womens Hour (Radio)
BBC Futures (Television)
The Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum
Mills fabrica
Barbican Creative Arts Centre Future Perspectives Conference
Glamhive x Bulgari
Post sensorium RIXC art science festival
The British Fashion Council
CEW - Cosmetic Executive Women
BBK Trend Forum
Green is the New Black
Gung Ho
Adidas global headquarters
Appicaps Portuguese Footwear federation
Colour Marketing Group conference
Who's Next / Première Classe
British Library
Global Pioneers Conference
Ukraine Fashion Week
Premiere vision
The truth is no speaking engagement is ever exactly the same. But here are common speaking tracks this past year I’ve been running, connected to my workshops and trainings:
The first one comes in many shapes as my research and insights are always evolving but is on this: THE FUTURE OF FASHION
Newest topic but one I have been working on behind the scenes and now connects to my Biomimicry certification… is FUTURE WILD: WHEN NATURE BECOMES THE FUTURIST: Explore how we can revolutionize how we envision fashion futures by turning to nature's 3.8 billion years of R&D. This is about understanding how nature measures and creates success through resilience, ingenuity, interdependence, adaptation, and regenerative growth. The journey to Wild Futures unfolds in two transformative stages while providing real-life examples of weak signals pioneering the future: (1) Revolutionary Metrics & Frameworks and (2) The Philosophical Revolution
Biggest reality check: HOW TO GET OFF THE HYPERCYCLE: We consume creativity. We confuse validity with virality (something I have covered since 2021 and in my 2024 lauded Handbook Hypercycle made in collaboration with Gung Ho). Trends aren't bad, it’s the current fashion system that has become toxic and lost its way, caught up in attention economy. We've confused fashion with media, falling prey to any fad popping up. Time to get back to our roots and reclaim the positivity of fashion, and the positive trends we used to create. How do we find our way back to the authentic power of fashion? How do we decipher what has deeper cultural capital vs what’s just air?
Most supply chain driven: FUTURE HUMANITY SYSTEMS: I unpack the future of the Fashion Industry’s infrastructure and the plausible and wild card futures for our regenerative supply chains in 3 macro trends. This talk uncovers the value of these macro trends for businesses by covering likely near development, what the preferable future looks like, a potential wild card outlook and guidelines on your strategy forward.
Most interactive: RELEARNING RADICAL IMAGINATION FOR STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATION: What if you leveraged Speculative Design and scenario building—approaches embraced by leading organizations worldwide, yet strategically underutilized in Fashion? While the industry typically focuses on predicting near futures and newness, speculative design begins with powerful "what if" scenarios. Using this approach, we can shape futures we want to create or avoid in an era of unprecedented systemic shifts. This method blends strategic thinking with radical imagination to see beyond the obvious, daring to imagine multiple scenarios and systemic reinvention.


“Simply put, Geraldine’s insight, passion and professionalism make her a must-invite for any event where I have an audience that is truly interested in future trends and sustainable development. The content she creates is always unique, relevant to our audience and her delivery as a speaker is fantastic, I know that because when I look around the room everyone is looking up at her, and not down at a device!”
HYVE GROUP - Suzanne Ellingham, Portfolio Director, Source Events
Having followed Geraldine’s insights and articles for years, it was a great pleasure to host her at a recent conference that I organised. Stunning visuals, coherent and far reaching ideas, and all with nature and rewilding at the forefront. 100% would recommend Geraldine to anyone thinking of working with her or looking for an inspirational speaker.”