THE NOT SO WEEKLY EDIT: From sustainability to inclusivity, building the future of design


Hello April 2020. You’ve been quite a month in the world! One we will remember. Here's what has been inspiring me at the studio here in London as we get ready for a next phase in society. I hope this will keep you inspired and provide support.


The Green Gallery Green Screen ad blocker by Geraldine Wharry


DIGITAL ART | Replace your online ad banners with Flower art whilst you’re spending more time than usual on your screen. Flowers are known to promote wellness and creativity and we need that more than ever. Download the ad blocker art I designed for the Green Gallery here.

SUSTAINABILITY GRANT | Get a Textiles Recycling and Re-use Small Scale Grant from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). Eligibility: UK Enterprise of any size, including not-for-profit organisations. Availability: The funding is available to any enterprise of any size, including not-for-profit organisations. This grant aims to support innovative projects that will enable textile waste to be recycled or reused and diverted from landfill. Up to £1.5 million is available and grant awards will range in value from £20,000 to £170,000.  Closing date: 18 June, 2020 - 13:00.

EARTH DAY | Join @WeDontHaveTime0 with @EarthDayNetwork for live broadcasts online to celebrate EarthDay's 50th anniversary April 20–25, 2020. Register here to attend

COMMUNITY GRANT | London’s funders are working together to provide coordinated funding to support groups responding to the needs of communities affected by the covid-19 pandemic. There is new funding available new funding available for application

ART | The UN needs your help to stop the spread of COVID-19 by translating critical public health messages into artwork that will inform people across the world and different cultures. The shortlisted work will reach everyone, everywhere. More information on submissions here.

CREATIVE FREELANCERS SUPPORT | The Creative Industries Federation is offering a free 6-month membership to encourage freelancers and smaller organisations - who will be hit hardest -  to join. The voices of freelancers and small creative agencies are still not being heard by the government so they are rallying up support so that we can have one strong voice together.  Here is everything you get with the membership. 

INCLUSIVITY LEARNING | Attend the Rising Majority Virtual Teach ins. On April 2nd Naomi Klein and Angela Davis held a teach in on Coronovirus and Racial Capitalism and making sure rising majorities are heard during these challenging times. You can watch the replay here and join their next events here.

CRAFT & TECH | The Knitting project is turning pixels into loops and is the first community project from OFundamentO, which brings together European artists and manufacturers, showing how beautiful technology can be when combined with craft. 

INCLUSIVITY INSPIRATION | Good and Bad are incomplete stories we tell ourselves is an inspiring Ted Talk by Heather Lanier where she challenges us to stop fixating on solutions for whatever we deem not normal, and instead take life as it comes.

SUSTAINABILITY | "Would you wear Clothes from Rubbish" is a Guardian article highlighting the designers innovating in creating collections that destroy the idea of waste and are heralding new systems and aesthetics. 


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For Creatives Seeking Emergent and Regenerative Future Foresight with an Anti-Disciplinary Streak

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    Geraldine Wharry

    As a fashion Futurist I empower brands and agencies to apply big picture thinking and activate the full potential of their role in our society and planet. They become able to access the change maker inside of themselves through:

    - Future insights

    - Strategic consultations

    - Creative collaborations

    - Education

    THE NOT SO WEEKLY EDIT: Futuring projects for a thriving world
